In my 1:1 healing sessions, I guide you to find your way back to you - the true you before all the separation and suffering. Through divine & cosmic light activations, vibrational healing and alchemical healing tools, we will co-create inner peace, optimal health and everlasting freedom in your body.
Allow me to walk with you until you return to sovereignty, alignment and pure bliss again.
Book a 30 minute clarity call to discuss my packages & how we would best work together.
Simply book your package directly below.
I’m excited to work with you, dear soul client!
Once you invest in the healing
the magic begins
Types of Packages
Sacred Rose Session
1 X 75 minute session - investment of €120
Pearl Package
3 - 6 months - €1200
(option to have a payment plan - see below)
3 x 75 minute sessions
3 x 30 minute tune-in sessions
3 months subscription for my bi-monthly transmissions & meditations (on MeetUP)
2 Akashic Oracle Readings
Plus 2 of my New Earth courses worth 450 euros
3 Miracle Monday Reiki Sessions Live Group
Payment plan: 3 monthly payments of €400
(To be paid within the first 3 months)
Diamond Package
6 - 9 months - €2400
(option to have a payment plan below)
7 x 60 minute sessions
7 x 30 minute tune-in sessions
6 month subscription for my bi-monthly transmissions & meditations
3 Akashic Oracle Readings
3 Astara Reiki Attunements
3 of my New Earth Mystery School Training courses including my Akashic Alchemy Course where upon completion you become a Certified New Earth Quantum Teacher! (worth 700 euros)
Plus 6 Miracle Monday distant healing (live)
Payment plan: 6 monthly payments of €400
(To be paid in the first 6 months)
This package is ideal for an aspiring ascension guide and new earth healer and teacher!
To book my offerings directly, simply click on the package of your choice and follow the simple steps.
Once you have selected your payment option you will be guided to start your first session!