New Earth Chakra Course

A self-paced course about how your energy centers work. Receive angelic guidance on how to best support your etheric body & psychic anatomy.

Lesson 1: Root Chakra

Lesson 2: Sacral Chakra

Lesson 3: Solar Chakra

Lesson 4: Heart Chakra

Lesson 5: Throat Chakra

Lesson 6: Third Eye Chakra

Lesson 7: Crown Chakra

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Innerstand the energy centres within your body

This course is ideal for any aspiring energy healers. Your chakras are like the wheels of energy spinning within your soul & now they are changing with New Sun world frequencies. When aligned & balanced, all is well within your energy bodies. But when they are off kilter, you can expect to be mentally, emotionally & physically unwell. Let me spend the next 7 weeks with you helping you to heal yourself & others with sacred knowledge & pearls of divine wisdom!

Together we will explore the secret codes within you to help you unlock your full potentials, dreams & well being. Open up to self love, clear stress & fear & feel the best you’ve ever felt!